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1 Corinthians 10.16-17; 11.23-26

Every Sunday at Via we celebrate the Euchraist together.  The Eucharist service (also referred to as Holy Communion and The Lord's Table) has been central to the life and worship of the church since it's inception.  Jesus instituted this sacramental meal at the Last supper when we called us to "do this" in remembrance of me Luke 22.14-23, and then modeled it for us on the road to Emmaus Luke 24.13-35.  

With a desire to help toward a deeper participation at the Lord's table we walk through a teaching Eucharist a couple times a year.  This service is time of learning by both teaching and participation.  We've attached here a sermon from the midst of this journey through the Eucharist and a number of helpful resources to better understand some of the common questions that people often ask regarding worship at Via.

That said, the most effective way to recieve this teach is by way of listening and participation.  With that in mind we invite you to join us Sundays at the Lord's table, and in the future when we take time to walk through a teaching Eucharist again.

Blessings, Chad+



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