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Come and join us in prayer and celebration as Sara Maynard is ordained to the diaconate! 

In the Anglican church, we all - 'the priesthood of all believers' - are led and cared for by Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.  Those who are a part of these Holy Orders, while not set above or below, are prayerfully set apart (consecrated) by the laying on of hands asking that the Holy Spirit would fill and empower them to faithfully fulfill God's call upon their lives to serve the church in this way.  

Sara has loved and served Christ's church throughout her life, and has more recently been on an incredible journey of preparation and discernment.  Bishop Mike will be coming to lead this service and will lay hands on Sara as she is set apart for ministry as a deacon in Christ's church.  We look forward, with great joy and thanksgiving to her ordination, and warmly invite you to come and join us for this special service with a reception to follow.