We make every effort to live and walk faithfully and obediently in light of God's Word as we live out the calling that He has placed on us as members of the broader body of Christ. We believe that God has placed a particular burden and desire in our hearts at Emmaus Road for three specific things that He is asking us to partner with Him in.

To Clearly Communicate the Call of the Gospel

We are committed to boldly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that is faithful to the witness of Scripture and Apostolic tradition.
(Rom. 1.16-17; Philip. 1.27; 1 Cor 15.3ff)

A Two-Fold Harvest

We believe that God is actively working in our lives to sanctify and mould us more and more into the likeness of Christ. We also believe He is actively at work in the lives of those who don't yet know Him as well as those who have strayed from the faith. We pray for the grace and courage to partner with Jesus as He draws His people to Himself.
(John 4.35; Rom 10.14-16, 11.23) 

To Shepherd, Serve, and Empower the Next Generation

We believe that our children, youth, and young adults are an integral part of the Church today and not solely the church and leaders of tomorrow. We are passionate about raising them up in the Way of Jesus, serving alongside them as living members of the body of Christ, and releasing them out in the confident hope of the gospel!
(Deut 6.6-7; Matt 18.10; 19.14; 1 Tim 4.10-15; 2 Tim 3.14-15; Heb 10.19-25)